


AMD give me more pleasure dan excitement. Overclockable is the reason why i use AMD. This blog is formed as my thanks to AMD

64-bit Game Engine

January 2006
Valve opens the cover of game engine which nowadays have used the 64-bit technology. Half-Life 2 and Lost Coast is the first Games with 64-bit technology that will be launched for the by Valve.

The Games developed to fully use the AMD Athlon64 FX processor technology. According to Valve, bringing the engine to 64-bit platform is a important step in content evolution and also tool that required by a games.

Others, this engine can be exploited by third party developer in making a heavy-weight game.
According to AMD, the combination between AMD64 processor and 64-bit engine performance will yield the sophisticated and very strong games. And these collaborations will give the customer an amazing product.
