


AMD give me more pleasure dan excitement. Overclockable is the reason why i use AMD. This blog is formed as my thanks to AMD

AMD Athlon 64 New Series

March 2007
For the Athlon 64 X2 6000+ processor, nowadays AMD have officially announced the launching. Besides that processor, AMD is also launching energy efficient processor for Athlon 64 3500+ and 3800+ series. The processors which run at 3.0 GHz clock will remain to use 90 nm process technologies. With that fact, the processor can be told as AMD first processor that reached 3.O GHz clock.

Then for the energy efficient processor itself, there is Athlon 64 3500+ and 3800+, both representing the series of Single-Core processor. From the process technology, both also adopted the 65 nm process technology, and this why it is named with energy-efficient series, because will require the small energy consumption.

For this processor energy efficient series, AMD rate the energy requirement of TDP (Thermal Design Point) only 45 Watt. Surely this feature will become one of interesting point for the consumer which paying attention for energy problem, or also the temperature level.


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Radeon X2900 XTX

March 2007
About some week forwards, AMD will launch the next generation Radeon GPU which based on GPU R600. For the specification, according to AMD, this GPU core will be formed by a transistor amount to 700 million units. As comparison, Radeon X1900 (R580) series only have 384 million unit transistor, and for the previous generation (R520) formed just only from 320 million transistor units.

Like the previous news, this R600 GPU will have 512-bit memory controller, and support to GDDR3 and GDDR4 memory. Later, at the launching in end of March, R600 will attend as ATI Radeon X2900XTX, and available in two variant, namely OEM version and retail version. At OEM version, the video card more destined to be used at build-up computer, and have 12 inch board length dimension.

While for the retail version is destined for main consumer, and attend with the 9,5 inch board length dimension, and also equipped by dual-slot cooler solution. And the special of it, the cooler type use vapor chamber. Usually this cooler component is used at high-end CPU, but not surprise if used at high-end GPU.

From the reference, the video card which based on R600 GPU will had equal to 1 GB GDDR4 memory. But still available more reached choice for the R600 video card, which still use the GDDR3 memory in next month. The video Card will attend in Radeon X2900XT name, with 512 MB capacities, and also run in lower clock compared to Radeon X2900XTX version.

The other feature, still like GPU of Radeon family is Crossfire support. The difference is without the existence of master card and slave with internal bridge connection, and HDMI native integrated support. From energy requirement side, will available the 6-pin and 8-pin (2x4) additional power connector, even both still compatible with 6-pin power cable.


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AMD 690G

March 2007
AMD really meet a lot of obstacle since buying ATI. But, the motherboard chipset which have been waiting by consumer is finally ready to launch in near time. The Chipset is AMD 690G chipset, which integrated inside by ATI Radeon X1250 graphic core. This Chipset previously more known as RS690, when still below ATi brand name. But, since becoming the part of AMD Company, the name becomes AMD 690G. This is the same as which conduct previously for RD480 and RD580 chipset.

Even used graphic core naming is ATi Radeon X1250, it is still same as the previously generation graphic core, Radeon X700. New additional feature from the graphic core which base on X700 compared to previous X700 is the support in feature of AVIVO video processing. By AVIVO, graphic core of X1250 will be able to accelerating the video format of H.264 and VC-1 by hardware. Whereabouts the format is becoming the video standard which used by HD-DVD and Blu-Ray.

As a whole, the motherboard which based on AMD 690G chipset will have the characteristic and dimension from micro-ATX, and is only destined for AM2 processor socket. The increase of graphic ability can be done through available PCI Express x16 slot, although the final decision in the configuration of PCI and PCI Express depend the motherboard manufacture itself.

As the chipset tandem, because it's not single-chipset solution, is SB600 chipset which functioning as the regulator of other I/O function. So the motherboard will have four SATA 3.0 Gbps, high-definition audio, and Gigabit Ethernet.


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IBM Cooperate with AMD on 45 nm Technology

January 2007
Do not willing to fail by Intel in development of 45 nanometer (nm) processor, IBM claim have developed the transistor technology which conducive of the making of 45 nm processor based on contemporary technique.

The technological development conducted by IBM together with the Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) Chipset Company, Toshiba, and Sony. The company had a plan start to sell the chip in 2008.

The IBM announcement are certain period only after the day Intel define the newest 45 nm chip which ready in the market at this year second quarter.

Whether IBM or Intel using the same technology combination of High-K and metal gate for the transistor which used at chip. Two materials replace the materials which usually used in developing of transistor, and trusted can lessen the energy leakage, enabling the chip operates on the lower temperature and lengthen the battery age at portable peripheral.

IBM still not yet demonstrated the result of newest chip development. Company says they had a plan to present the review at scientific journal and technology conference.


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Immersion Lithography

December 2006
In several times, Intel says that the 45 nm process technology will attend in 2007. At IEDM (International Electron Device Meeting), IBM And AMD explain the three technology which expected will be able to compete with the development of Intel 45nm process production, there is use of immersion lithography, whereabouts AMD say that the think will improve the ability of microprocessor design, and production mount consistency.

Like the use of interconnection dielectric ultra-low-K to increase performance comparison with energy requirement (watt) and the increase of transistor stress reduction technique.

Process technology which existing in this time is still uses the conventional lithography. Whereabouts have enough significant limitation to design smaller than 65 nm. And the Immersion Lithography is use the lens projection which loaded by purified water, as step by step part of Lithography.

Through Immersion Lithography will improve the light stream, deep of focus and depiction clarity, whereabouts this matter also will improve the efficiency of chip process. For example, 15 percent improvement performance from a SRAM cell, because of the increase ability of production process.


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