March 2007AMD really meet a lot of obstacle since buying ATI. But, the motherboard chipset which have been waiting by consumer is finally ready to launch in near time. The Chipset is AMD 690G chipset, which integrated inside by ATI Radeon X1250 graphic core. This Chipset previously more known as RS690, when still below ATi brand name. But, since becoming the part of AMD Company, the name becomes AMD 690G. This is the same as which conduct previously for RD480 and RD580 chipset.
Even used graphic core naming is ATi Radeon X1250, it is still same as the previously generation graphic core, Radeon X700. New additional feature from the graphic core which base on X700 compared to previous X700 is the support in feature of AVIVO video processing. By AVIVO, graphic core of X1250 will be able to accelerating the video format of H.264 and VC-1 by hardware. Whereabouts the format is becoming the video standard which used by HD-DVD and Blu-Ray.
As a whole, the motherboard which based on AMD 690G chipset will have the characteristic and dimension from micro-ATX, and is only destined for AM2 processor socket. The increase of graphic ability can be done through available PCI Express x16 slot, although the final decision in the configuration of PCI and PCI Express depend the motherboard manufacture itself.
As the chipset tandem, because it's not single-chipset solution, is SB600 chipset which functioning as the regulator of other I/O function. So the motherboard will have four SATA 3.0 Gbps, high-definition audio, and Gigabit Ethernet.
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