


AMD give me more pleasure dan excitement. Overclockable is the reason why i use AMD. This blog is formed as my thanks to AMD

AMD Opteron 939 to Stop Produce

Oktober 2006
AMD discontinue the product which addressed for server and workstation class, there is Opteron processor which have single core type. AMD previously also discontinue some processor product, averagely CPU for the desktop. That using socket 939 and also socket 754, like Athlon 64 X2 4200+, 4600+ and 4800.

For the product of its own, the stop will be conducted at some Opteron procesor series 140. There is, Opteron processor socket 939 for model 144, 146, 148, and Opteron HE 148. AMD explain the reason why them stop to release some of Opteron processor, it's because in this time the processor product have no longer be produced. During some last month, two of processor producer, Intel and AMD it is often announce the stop of their some processor product.
